DUE: Wednesday, 11/20
Set up a still life of an egg on a white piece of paper. Use a lamp to create a strong light source. Use ebony pencil to draw your still life. Remember to include all 5 elements of chiaroscuro: highlight, shade (halftone), shadow, reflected light, and cast shadow.
DUE: Thursday 11/21
Choose two "issues" you feel you could be an activist for/against. This can be related to current events, or it can be an ongoing problem that you see in the world. How could you help bring awareness to the issue? How do you think the problem could be solved? Either (1) write down the two "issues" you've chosen, and some notes on how to bring awareness to each, or how you could start to solve the problems. Or (2) bring in an article/essay/literature/video about each issue and highlight/take notes on the significant parts of the article/essay/literature/video that you want to focus on.
We will be creating an image to bring attention to the issue we feel strongly about.
DUE: Monday, 11/25
Have at least ONE piece finished and ready to critique. We will be hanging work in the hallway that week. While finishing up your projects, consider the following:
-What is your concept (idea, theme, what you are trying to tell the viewer)?
-Which Elements of Art did you focus on? How do those elements help define your concept?
-What other artists have created art that has a similar concept? What are similarities and differences between your art and that artist's work?
-Is there an artistic movement that your work could fit into?
When your piece is finished, you will be filling pages in your sketchbooks comparing your art to the art of a recognized fine artist